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Center for Sustainable Finance and Private Wealth

Taeun Kwon

Taeun Kwon

  • Collaborator
  • Research Lead Blended Finance at CSP
  • PhD Candidate at the University of Hamburg

Short Biography

Taeun Kwon is a PhD researcher at the University of Hamburg and Research Lead on Blended Finance at the Center for Sustainable Finance and Private Wealth at University of Zurich. Her research focuses on blended finance and catalytic capital, which refers to patient and concessional capital that aims to have outsized impact. Her recent research topics include the effectiveness of the various blended finance instruments, across sectors such as water and education.

Before that, Taeun was responsible for the Sustainable Investing Capabilities of Private Banks project as the Head of Wealth Manager Programs. She also developed and led executive education programs and workshops for practitioners.

Prior to CSP, Taeun had launched her own ethical fashion brand, worked at Boston Consulting Group, TBWA\ and Impact Square. Please email to get in contact.